Web Calendar



Local Information of Laboratory

Notice: these pages are mostly in Finnish.


Local Instructions (Link to the Finnish site)
Some www utility programs and overall help information.

Mailing lists (only from inside hut.fi domain, mostly in Finnish)
Archive of the mailing list for hutcs users [users].
Members of [tko] mailing list.

Research Seminar (only in Finnish)

Web calendar
Web calendar of laboratory.

The Computer Science Building
Introduction of The Computer Science Building built in 1998.

Web statistics
Statistics of www server at www.cs.hut.fi

System administration weblog
Significant operations and updates performed by the system administration.

Other Useful Information

Miscellaneous links

Java documentation
Java documentation from server java.sun.com (Available only for domain hut.fi

Tietokilta (TiK)
The Students of Computer Science.

What to eat today in Otaniemi (In Finnish)